HTML5 parameters

The HTML5 transformation shares common parameters with other HTML-based transformations and provides additional parameters that are specific to HTML5 output.

Specifies whether to generate a label for each image; the label will contain the image file name. The allowed values are yes and no; the default value is no.
Specifies whether to copy the custom .css file to the output directory. The allowed values are yes and no; the default value is no.
Specifies the name of a custom .css file.
Specifies the location of a copied .css file relative to the output directory.
Specifies the directory that contains the custom .css file.
Specifies the language locale file to use for sorting index entries.
Specifies an XML file that contains content for a running footer.
Specifies whether to generate extra metadata that targets parental control scanners, meta elements with name="security" and name="Robots". The allowed values are yes and no; the default value is no.
Specifies an XML file that contains content to be placed in the document head.
Specifies an XML file that contains content for a running header.
Specifies whether to hide links to parent topics in the HTML5 output. The allowed values are yes and no; the default value is no.
Specifies whether to include the DITA class ancestry inside the HTML5 elements. The allowed values are yes and no; the default value is yes.
Specifies the value of the @target attribute on the <base> element in the TOC file.
Specifies the base name of the TOC file.
Specifies the value of the @class attribute on the <body> element in the TOC file.
Specifies a custom XSL file to be used for TOC generation.
Specifies whether the content of <indexterm> elements are rendered in the output. The allowed values are yes and no; the default value is no.
Specifies the file extension for HTML5 output.
Specifies a custom XSL file to be used instead of the default XSL transformation.

Specifies whether to generate a table of contents (ToC) in the HTML5 <nav> element of each page. The navigation can then be rendered in a sidebar or menu via CSS.

The following values are supported:
  • none (default) – No table of contents will be generated
  • partial – Include the current topic in the ToC along with its parents, siblings and children
  • full – Generate a complete ToC for the entire map